A guide to the Vatican, Catholic Church and overpopulation, population policy, family planning, national security.

What has been President Clinton’s response to overpopulation as a national security threat?

 population, growth control, national security, global security
 rockefeller commission, commission on population growth and the american future, population policy, united states population policy, political will, papal infallibility, roman catholic bishops

Search Entire Center for Research on Population and Security Site
 pastoral plan for pro-life activities, humanae vitae, feminism, world population plan of action
 stephen mumford
also.gif - 1521 bytes
 vatican, catholic, catholicism, catholic church, republican party
 overpopulation growth, u.s. security
 separation of church and state, opus dei, national security
 overpopulation, population control, national security, global security
 population, growth control, national security, overpopulation

A Postscript, Before Just how much do the recommended responses of President Nixon's time, over two decades ago, fit the facts and needs of today? The June 1, 1994 draft of President Clinton's Presidential Decision Directive (PDD), which outlined the problem and was prepared for the President's signature by the National Security Council (NSC), but since then has simply disappeared, emphatically answers this question. from: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF NSSM 200 by Stephen D. Mumford

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